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Basque Cheesecake Recipe |バスクチーズケーキレシピ

Basque Cheesecake Recipe (Burnt Cheesecake Recipe)
If you are a cheesecake lover? Please try this Basque Cheesecake recipe!! People called this “burnt cheesecake”, because it’s baked at a really high temperature, and it almost burnt outside which provides a caramelized flavor to the cake. Inside is gooey and smooth, custard tastes tangy from the cream cheese. It doesn’t require making a crust, so it’s very easy.
San Sebastian
Round Mold 6inch x 3 inch


Cream cheese ….16oz
Sugar…. ½ cup
Honey …. 2 tbsp
Eggs … 3pc
All-purpose flour …. 2 ½ tbsp
Heavy cream ….250ml
Lemon juice …. 2 tbsp

丸型直径15cm x 高さ 8cm

クリームチーズ…. 450g
グラニュー糖 ….80g
はちみつ …. 40g
全卵 ….3個
薄力粉 …20g
生クリーム …250ml
レモン汁 大さじ2杯
Song: The Boy From Lebion (Martin Landstrom)
Boss Agogo (Martin Landstrom)
